Something tried to bite my kayak today. I was paddling in the early morning when suddenly I felt the stern hit something really big with a loud thump and the boat fishtailed. Hitting something in the back while moving forward would be really unusual. For a second I thought the hinges were coming loose and I would soon be left with two thirds of a kayak. But after the initial shock I looked back and saw that everything was still there, and concluded it could only have been some hungry creature from the deep thinking I was an easy meal. I later looked at the rudder blade and saw that it has some weird looking scratches, but I couldn’t say for sure if they were fish bites or scratches from yesterday's close call with the coral reefs. It’s probably for the best that I never find out the answer.
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I paddled only as far as a little town called Salinas. The forecast for the next few days is very uncertain. Conditions are still good for tomorrow, but after that a tropical storm will be skirting Puerto Rico, the winds will pick up to 40 miles per hour, and the waves will be 10 to 15 feet. I found a hotel in the harbor marina, so I plan to stay out of the water until conditions improve or, as the receptionist noted, “You can stay up until July 1, because after that is independence day weekend, and unless someone cancels, which I doubt, we are sold out.”
Sea Kayak Puerto Rico Circumnavigation